
Here at Fade2Black, we focus on the research of mortality. Life, death, and all that's in between. We also offer many services that will help people better understand and enjoy their life before the end.

Memory Diamonds - After a loved one passes away, our dedicated scientists can extract the carbon from their ashes, and through a complex process of man-made mineral growing, turn their ashes into a brilliant diamond!

Bloody Diamonds - Life is important, and sometimes that's hard to remember! Down to the blood cells that carry oxygen to the rest of your body, it's good to thank yourself from time to time, just for being alive! Just by pricking your finger, we can use your blood to make a beautiful red diamond so you can remember the miracle of life you're living!

Memory Preservation - Some memories are priceless, yet they fade away over time. Lucky for you, with our Memory Preservation Service, we can extract the memory and store it in both a physical capsule for your viewing pleasure and our database, where it can be retrieved at any time!

Memory Retrieval - Remember that great idea you had three years ago? No? That's what memory retrieval is for! For a small one-time payment, get a transcript of your best ideas that you thought were long gone!

Memory Deletion - Forgetting painful memories is just a few dollars away! Our dedicated team of Memory Studies Scientists can target the problematic memory via a computer terminal, and destroy it. Say goodbye to those pesky negative memories today!

Life Extension Consultation - With the help of our skilled health experts, you can expect a longer and better life. Our Life Extension Consultation services will connect you with the people that can really assist you!

Memory Improvement Therapy - Memories are important to the experience of life. That's why we offer services to improve the best note-taker ever: Your memory. With our trademark medicine and some therapy, your memories will improve!

Therapy/Counseling - Our expert therapists are ready to listen and help you through any point in your life. Though we're not currently taking any new clients, feel free to join the waiting list. After all, sometimes all you need is an ear or two to listen!

End Of Life Transitioning - As you get to be of old age, many thoughts might flood your head and stress you out. That's why our teams of legal experts, health providers, and memory archivists are here to help you transition peacefully to the end.

Time Capsules - Want to leave some items to a loved one? Want to see what you were like years ago, in the future? Perhaps you'd just like to gift a memory to your future self? Well, just rent out a capsule for a low price, and revisit whenever you feel like in the future!

Residential Treatment - Need a break from the world, and time to recover? Our residential treatment does just that! Enjoy time to relax, recover, and rediscover the true you! (Not currently accepting new residential patients for the time being.)

Afterlife Counseling - Come to one of our group counseling sessions to learn about death and life. Sometimes in order to face something that terrifies you, all you need is information. Other Times, one of our other services might be of use. 

Time Chambers - Relax in one of our sensory deprivation chambers, where you can experience life slow to a crawl. Time in the chamber has been tested to feel longer than time spent outside. If you feel like time is slipping by too fast, the darkness and silence might help!

Dream Dulling Therapy - Violent and triggering dreams can be traumatic, and triggering. That's why we offer a service to dull your dreams so they're less painful to experience.

Dream Archiving - Just like our Memory Preservation service, we can archive and store memories from dreams, too! Can't remember the details of that great dream? Well, now, you can get it transcribed for your reading pleasure!