Passwords and Love: Are they a good pair?

Fade2Black Study Finds That People Often Use Passwords Related to Their Children.

According to the study, passwords that include the names of children, their birth dates, or other significant events related to them are used more frequently than any other type of password. This phenomenon is likely due to the fact that people often associate their loved ones with feelings of security and protection, and incorporating their names or other information into a password can create a sense of comfort and familiarity. They also frequently use phrases that bring up memories of their children, with spaces replaced with underscores ("_") and dashes ("-"). Spaces are often dropped entirely to make the password shorter. For example:

Swords and dinosaurs, some of Dr. Lillian Plathmuth's son's favorite things, would become "swordsanddinosaurs."

However, while it is understandable that people may want to use passwords related to their loved ones, doing so can also create significant security risks. Using easily guessable passwords can make it easier for hackers to gain access to sensitive information, and can result in significant financial loss or identity theft.

At Fade2Black, our team of expert psychologists is dedicated to helping people understand how to live their lives in security and safety. We encourage individuals to consider more secure password options, such as using a passphrase made up of random characters and to regularly update their passwords to prevent potential security breaches.

Many of our employees have been using passwords that are all lowercase or full phrases or sentences. After these discoveries, fade2Black employees will be required to change their passwords to be as secure as possible.

When making a password of your own, keep the following tips in mind.
- Use at least one uppercase and one lowercase
- Use one or more numbers and symbols
- Avoid using words
- Avoid using words with the letters replaced with similar numbers or symbols
- Use more than 8 characters
- Avoid easy-to-guess passwords, like "12345678", "Password", "P@ssword", etc.

We hope these tips will lead to a happier, safer, and more secure life.

— Fade2Black Psychology Team